The function prototype of re.sub is: re.sub(pattern, repl, string, count)
The second function is the replaced string; in this case it is '-'
The fourth parameter refers to the number of replacements. Defaults to 0, meaning every match is replaced.
re.sub also allows sophisticated handling of replacement of matches using functions. For example: re.sub(r'\s', lambda m: '[' ']', text, 0); Replace the space ' ' in the string with '[ ]'.
You can use re.split to split a string, such as: re.split(r'\s ', text); split the string into a word list by spaces.
re.findall can get all matching strings in the string. For example: re.findall(r'\w*oo\w*', text); Get all words containing 'oo' in the string.
Regular expressions can be compiled into a regular expression object. Frequently used regular expressions can be compiled into regular expression objects, which can improve certain efficiency.
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