Top Navigation Bar_Yahoo_Pattern 3
What problem is solved? 3
When to use? 3
What is the specific solution? 4
Why use this component? 5
Left Navigation Bar_Yahoo_Pattern 6
What problem is solved? 6
When to use? 6
What is the specific solution? 7
Why use this component? 9
Accessibility 9
Open questions? 9
Progress Bar_Yahoo_Pattern 10
What problem is solved? 10
When to use? 10
What is the specific solution? 11
Why use this component? 12
Q&A 12
Navigation Tabs_Yahoo_Pattern 13
What problem is solved? 13
When to use? 13
What is the specific solution? 14
Why use this component? 14
Accessibility 15
Search Pagination_Yahoo_Pattern 16
What problem is solved? 16
When to use? 16
What is the specific solution? 16
Why use this component? 18
Accessibility 19
Item Pagination_Yahoo_Pattern 20
What problem is solved? 20
When to use? 20
What is the specific solution? 20
Why use this component? 21
Accessibility 21
Module Tabs_Yahoo_Pattern 22
What problem is solved? 22
When to use? 22
What is the specific solution? 23
Why use this component? 23
Accessibility 24
Accordion Navigation (Accordion) 25
What problem is solved? 25