JavaScript was once "the most misunderstood language in the world" because it was burdened with too many features, including poor interaction and failed design. But with the advent of Ajax, JavaScript "evolved from the most misunderstood programming language to the most popular." "Language", this is not only lucky, but also proves that it is actually an excellent language. In this book, Douglas Crockford peels off the tainted coat of JavaScript and extracts a subset of JavaScript with better reliability, readability, and maintainability, allowing you to see an elegant, lightweight language. and very expressive language. The author presents the real essence of this language from 9 aspects: syntax, objects, functions, inheritance, arrays, regular expressions, methods, styles and beautiful features, through which elegant and efficient code can be constructed. The author also lists the bad and useless parts of the language in the appendix and tells you how to avoid them. Finally, JSLint is introduced. Through its inspection, we can effectively protect the quality of our code.
This is an authoritative book that introduces the nature of the JavaScript language. It is worth reading and needs to be read repeatedly by anyone who is currently or is preparing to engage in JavaScript development. Only by studying, understanding, and practicing the master's ideas can we stand on the shoulders of giants and have the opportunity to surpass the master. This book is the beginning.
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