media component image
WeChat applet image
Image resources
##Note: The width of the image tag is 300px, Height 225px
mode has 13 modes, 4 of which are scaling modes and 9 are cropping modes.<view class="page">
<view class="page__hd">
<text class="page__title">image</text>
<text class="page__desc">图片</text>
<view class="page__bd">
<view class="section section_gap" wx:for-items="{{array}}" wx:for-item="item">
<view class="section__title">{{item.text}}</view>
<view class="section__ctn">
<image style="width: 200px; height: 200px; background-color: #eeeeee;" mode="{{item.mode}}" src="{{src}}"></image>
data: {
array: [{
mode: 'scaleToFill',
text: 'scaleToFill:不保持纵横比缩放图片,使图片完全适应'
}, {
mode: 'aspectFit',
text: 'aspectFit:保持纵横比缩放图片,使图片的长边能完全显示出来'
}, {
mode: 'aspectFill',
text: 'aspectFill:保持纵横比缩放图片,只保证图片的短边能完全显示出来'
}, {
mode: 'top',
text: 'top:不缩放图片,只显示图片的顶部区域'
}, {
mode: 'bottom',
text: 'bottom:不缩放图片,只显示图片的底部区域'
}, {
mode: 'center',
text: 'center:不缩放图片,只显示图片的中间区域'
}, {
mode: 'left',
text: 'left:不缩放图片,只显示图片的左边区域'
}, {
mode: 'right',
text: 'right:不缩放图片,只显示图片的右边边区域'
}, {
mode: 'top left',
text: 'top left:不缩放图片,只显示图片的左上边区域'
}, {
mode: 'top right',
text: 'top right:不缩放图片,只显示图片的右上边区域'
}, {
mode: 'bottom left',
text: 'bottom left:不缩放图片,只显示图片的左下边区域'
}, {
mode: 'bottom right',
text: 'bottom right:不缩放图片,只显示图片的右下边区域'
src: '../../resources/cat.jpg'
imageError: function(e) {
console.log('image3发生error事件,携带值为', e.detail.errMsg)
Original image
Scale the image without maintaining the aspect ratio, making the image completely fit
Maintain the aspect ratio Scale the image so that the long side of the image can be fully displayed
Maintain the aspect ratio Zoom the image, only ensure that the short side of the image can be fully displayed
Do not scale the image, only display the top area of the image
Does not scale the image, only displays the bottom area of the image
No Zoom the image and only display the middle area of the image
Do not zoom the image and only display the left area of the image
Does not scale the image, only displays the right side area of the image
top left
Does not scale the image , only the upper left area of the image is displayed
top right
Does not scale the image, only displays the upper right area of the image
bottom left
Does not scale the image, only displays the upper right area of the image Display the lower left area of the image
bottom right
Do not zoom the image, only display the lower right area of the image