1. It is a time selection plug-in found online as shown in the picture. Click on the date to pop up the box below. When ionic is started for the first time, this page will not be refreshed. $ionicScrollDelegate.getScrollPosition() cannot obtain the height. If scrollTo is used method, the height will be fixed to the height you jump to directly, and you cannot get the height no matter how you pull the slider. But if you refresh the page, you can get it. I found the reason for not finding it all afternoon, which is very troublesome for you.
2. I have used the resize() method, but it seems to have no effect.
3. A lot of code:
(function () {
'use strict';
angular.module('CoderYuan', [])
.service('timePickerService', function () {
var _this = this;
//页面中选择器数量 default : 0
_this.globalId = 0;
return _this;
.directive('timePicker', [
'$compile', '$ionicScrollDelegate', '$ionicBackdrop', '$q', 'timePickerService',
function ($timeout, $compile, $ionicScrollDelegate, $ionicBackdrop, $q, timePickerService) {
return {
// template: '<p>{{selectDateTime.show}}</p>',
restrict: 'AE',
replace: true,
scope: {
timePickerResult: '=', //双向绑定
loadDateTime: '=', // 用于从服务端加载(或其他方式加载时间,反正是延迟的就对了) 初始 时间日期数值 //要配合options 中的loadLazy 属性使用 如果默认时间是从服务端加载回来的
//要做如下设置 <time-picker load-date-time="data.dateTime" loadLazy="true" time-picker-result="result"></time-picker>
//即 loadLazy 设置为true(默认是false)标识时间数据延迟加载 data.dateTime 是从服务端加载回来的时间数据
link: function (scope, elm, attrs) {
var globalId = ++timePickerService.globalId;
var dateTimeNow = new Date();
var tem = "<p class='pickerContainer datetimeactive'>" +
"<p class='main'>" +
"<p class='header'>{{options.title}}</p>"
+ "<p class='body'>"
+ "<p class='row row-no-padding'>" +
"<p class='col' ng-if='!options.hideYear' ><ion-scroll on-scroll='scrollingEvent(\"year\")' delegate-handle='yearScroll_" + globalId + "' scrollbar-y='false' class='yearContent'>" + "<ul>" + "<li ng-style='year.selected ? { color: \"#000\",fontWeight: \"bold\", fontSize: \"1.2em\"}:{}' ng-click='selectEvent(\"year\",$index)' ng-repeat='year in yearList'>{{year.text}}</li>" + "</ul>" + "</ion-scroll></p>" +
"<p class='col' ng-if='!options.hideMonth' ><ion-scroll on-scroll='scrollingEvent(\"month\")' delegate-handle='monthScroll_" + globalId + "' scrollbar-y='false' class='monthContent'>" + "<ul>" + "<li ng-style='month.selected ? { color: \"#000\",fontWeight: \"bold\", fontSize: \"1.2em\"}:{}' ng-click='selectEvent(\"month\",$index)' ng-repeat='month in monthList'>{{month.text}}</li>" + "</ul>" + "</ion-scroll></p>" +
"<p class='col ' ng-if='!options.hideDate' ><ion-scroll on-scroll='scrollingEvent(\"date\")' delegate-handle='dateScroll_" + globalId + "' scrollbar-y='false' class='dateContent'>" + "<ul>" + "<li ng-style='date.selected ? { color: \"#000\",fontWeight: \"bold\", fontSize: \"1.2em\"}:{}' ng-click='selectEvent(\"date\",$index)' ng-repeat='date in dateList'>{{date.text}}</li>" + "</ul>" + "</ion-scroll></p>" +
+ "<p class='body_center_highlight'></p>" +
"</p>" +
"<p class='footer'>" +
"<span ng-click='ok()'>确定</span><span ng-click='cancel()'>取消</span>" +
"</p>" +
"</p>" +
var options = {
title: attrs.title || "时间选择",
height: 40,// 每个滑动 li 的高度 这里如果也配置的话 要修改css文件中的高度的定义
timeNum: parseInt(attrs.timenum) || 24,//可选时间数量
yearStart: (attrs.yearstart && parseInt(attrs.yearstart)) || dateTimeNow.getFullYear() - 80,//开始年份
yearEnd: (attrs.yearend && parseInt(attrs.yearend)) || dateTimeNow.getFullYear() , //结束年份
monthStart: 12,//开始月份
monthEnd: 1,//结束月份
DateTime: attrs.datetime && new Date(attrs.datetime) || dateTimeNow, //开始时间日期 不给默认是当天
timeSpan: attrs.timespan && parseInt(attrs.timespan) || 15, //时间间隔 默认 15分钟一个间隔 15/30
hideYear: attrs.hideyear || false, //选择器中隐藏年份选择栏
hideMoth: attrs.hidemoth || false,//选择器中隐藏月份选择栏
hideDate: attrs.hidedate || false,//选择器中隐藏日期选择栏
scope.options = options;
scope.yearScrollTimer = null; //年份滑动定时器
scope.monthScrollTimer = null; //月份滑动定时器
scope.dateScrollTimer = null; //日期滑动定时器
scope.dateList = [];
scope.yearList = [];
scope.monthList = [];
scope.selectDateTime = {
year: {item: null, index: 0},
month: {item: null, index: 0},
date: {item: null, index: 0},
show: ""
scope.specialDateTime = {
bigMoth: [1, 3, 5, 7, 8,10, 12],
isBigMonth: function (month) {
var length = this.bigMoth.length;
while (length--) {
if (this.bigMoth[length] == month) {
return true;
return false;
isLoopYear: function (year) { //是否是闰年
return (year % 4 == 0) && (year % 100 != 0 || year % 400 == 0);
scope.options = options;
elm.on("click", function () {
// scrollToElm(scope.yearScroll, scope.yearList[scope.selectDateTime.year.index - 3]);
// scrollToElm(scope.monthScroll, scope.monthList[scope.selectDateTime.month.index - 3]);
// scrollToElm(scope.dateScroll, scope.dateList[scope.selectDateTime.date.index - 3]);
scope.scrollingEvent = function (type) {
var opEntity = getOperateEntity(type);
scope[opEntity.scrollTimer] && $timeout.cancel(scope[opEntity.scrollTimer]);
var posi = scope[opEntity.scrollHandler].getScrollPosition();
console.log(opEntity.scrollHandler+" "+scope+" "+scope[opEntity.scrollHandler]);
var index = Math.abs(Math.round(posi.top / scope.options.height));
console.log(index+" "+scope.options.height+" "+posi.top);
if (posi.top == index * scope.options.height) {
// console.log("meijinru gundong ");
updateSelect(index + 3, type);
} else {
// console.log("jinru gundong ");
scope[opEntity.scrollTimer] = $timeout(function () {
posi.top = index * 40;
updateSelect(index + 3, type);
scrollToPosi(scope[opEntity.scrollHandler], posi);
}, 200);
// scope.selectEvent = function (type, index) {
// var opEntity = getOperateEntity(type);
// if (index > 2 && index <= scope[opEntity.data].length - 3) {
// scrollToElm(scope[opEntity.scrollHandler], scope[opEntity.data][index - 3]);
// }
// }
function init(options) {
tem = angular.element(tem);
scope.yearScroll = $ionicScrollDelegate.$getByHandle("yearScroll_" + globalId);
scope.monthScroll = $ionicScrollDelegate.$getByHandle("monthScroll_" + globalId);
scope.dateScroll = $ionicScrollDelegate.$getByHandle("dateScroll_" + globalId);
function setDateTimeShow(datetime){
var year = datetime.getFullYear();
var month = prependZero(datetime.getMonth()+1,10);
var date = prependZero(datetime.getDate(),10);
scope.timePickerResult = year+"-"+month+"-"+date;
function initYear(options) {
var defaultYear = options.DateTime.getFullYear();
var yearSpan = options.yearEnd - options.yearStart;
console.log(defaultYear+" "+yearSpan);
var text, data, top, item, defaultItem, defaultIndex;
prependLi(scope.yearList, 3, "b");
for (var i = 0; i <= yearSpan; i++) {
text = options.yearStart + i + "年";
data = options.yearStart + i;
top = options.height + scope.yearList[scope.yearList.length - 1].top;
item = createDateTimeLi(0, top, data, data == defaultYear, text);
if (data == defaultYear) {
defaultItem = item;
defaultIndex = scope.yearList.length;
scope.selectDateTime.year.item = defaultItem;
scope.selectDateTime.year.index = defaultIndex;
prependLi(scope.yearList, 3, "e");
function initMoth(options) {
var defaultMonth = options.DateTime.getMonth() + 1 == 0 ? 12 : prependZero(options.DateTime.getMonth() + 1, 10);
var text, data, original, top, item, defaultItem, defaultIndex;
prependLi(scope.monthList, 3, "b");
for (var i = 1; i <= 12; i++) {
original = i;
data = prependZero(i, 10);
text = prependZero(i, 10) + "月";
top = options.height + scope.monthList[scope.monthList.length - 1].top;
item = createDateTimeLi(0, top, data, data == defaultMonth, text);
if (data == defaultMonth) {
defaultItem = item;
defaultIndex = scope.monthList.length;
scope.selectDateTime.month.item = defaultItem;
scope.selectDateTime.month.index = defaultIndex;
prependLi(scope.monthList, 3, "e");
function initDate(options) {
var defaultDate = prependZero(options.DateTime.getDate(), 10);
var text, data, top, item, defaultItem, defaultIndex;
var dateNum = getDateNum(options.DateTime.getFullYear(), options.DateTime.getMonth() + 1);
prependLi(scope.dateList, 3, "b")
for (var i = 1; i <= dateNum; i++) {
data = prependZero(i, 10);
text = prependZero(i, 10) + "日";
top = options.height + scope.dateList[scope.dateList.length - 1].top;
item = createDateTimeLi(0, top, data, data == defaultDate, text);
if (data == defaultDate) {
defaultItem = item;
defaultIndex = scope.dateList.length;
scope.selectDateTime.date.item = defaultItem;
scope.selectDateTime.date.index = defaultIndex;
prependLi(scope.dateList, 3, "e");
function prependZero(data, num) {
return data >= num ? data : "0" + data;
function createDateTimeLi(left, top, data, selected, text) {
var li = {left: left, top: top, data: data, selected: selected, text: text};
return li;
function prependLi(arr, num, loc) {
loc = loc || "b";
switch (loc) {
case "b":
for (var i = 0; i < num; i++) {
arr.push(createDateTimeLi(0, options.height * i, "", false, ""));
case "e":
//最后那个li元素的 top
var lastPosiTop = arr[arr.length - 1].top;
for (var j = 0; j < num; j++) {
arr.push(createDateTimeLi(0, (options.height * (j + 1) + lastPosiTop), "", false, ""));
function scrollToElm(scorllHandler, elm) {
$timeout(function(){scorllHandler.scrollTo(elm.left, elm.top, true)},2000);
function scrollToPosi(scorllHandler, posi) {
scorllHandler.scrollTo(posi.left, posi.top, true);
function updateSelect(index, type) {
switch (type) {
case "year":
$timeout(function () {
scope.selectDateTime.year.item.selected = false;
scope.yearList[index].selected = true;
scope.selectDateTime.year.item = scope.yearList[index];
scope.selectDateTime.year.index = index;
resettingDate(scope.selectDateTime.year.item.data, parseInt(scope.selectDateTime.month.item.data)); //年份变化 重置日期栏
case "month":
$timeout(function () {
scope.selectDateTime.month.item.selected = false;
scope.monthList[index].selected = true;
scope.selectDateTime.month.item = scope.monthList[index];
scope.selectDateTime.month.index = index;
resettingDate(scope.selectDateTime.year.item.data, parseInt(scope.selectDateTime.month.item.data)); //月份变化 重置日期栏
case "date":
$timeout(function () {
scope.selectDateTime.date.item.selected = false;
scope.dateList[index].selected = true;
scope.selectDateTime.date.item = scope.dateList[index];
scope.selectDateTime.date.index = index;
function getSelectDateTime() {
var year, month, date, time;
for (var i = 0; i < scope.yearList.length; i++) {
if (scope.yearList[i].selected) {
year = scope.yearList[i].data;
scope.selectDateTime.year.item = scope.yearList[i];
scope.selectDateTime.year.index = i;
for (var i = 0; i < scope.monthList.length; i++) {
if (scope.monthList[i].selected) {
month = scope.monthList[i].data;
scope.selectDateTime.month.item = scope.monthList[i];
scope.selectDateTime.month.index = i;
for (var i = 0; i < scope.dateList.length; i++) {
if (scope.dateList[i].selected) {
date = scope.dateList[i].data;
scope.selectDateTime.date.item = scope.dateList[i];
scope.selectDateTime.date.index = i;
if (!year) {
year = scope.selectDateTime.year.item.data;
if (!month) {
year = scope.selectDateTime.month.item.data;
if (!date) {
date = scope.selectDateTime.date.item.data;
var value = year + "-" + month + "-" + date ;
value = new Date(value);
return value;
function getDateNum(year, month) {
var dateNum = 30;
if (scope.specialDateTime.isBigMonth(month)) { //大小月判断
} else {
if (scope.specialDateTime.isLoopYear(year)) {
if (month == 2)
} else {
if (month == 2)
dateNum -= 2;
return dateNum;
function resettingDate(year, month) {
var dateNum = getDateNum(year, month);
if (dateNum != scope.dateList.length - 6) { //数量变化 需要进行重置
var text, data, top, item, defaultItem, defaultIndex;
var refreshNum = dateNum - (scope.dateList.length - 6)
if (refreshNum > 0) {//追加日期数量
var lastData = scope.dateList[scope.dateList.length - 4];
for (var i = 1; i <= refreshNum; i++) {
data = lastData.data + i;
text = data + "日";
top = options.height + scope.dateList[scope.dateList.length - 4].top;
item = createDateTimeLi(0, top, data, false, text);
scope.dateList.splice(scope.dateList.length - 3, 0, item);
} else { //移除多余的日期数量
var refreshNum_ = Math.abs(refreshNum);
scope.dateList.splice(scope.dateList.length - 4 - refreshNum_ + 1, refreshNum_);
if (scope.selectDateTime.date.item.data > scope.dateList[scope.dateList.length - 4].data) {
scope.dateList[scope.dateList.length - 4].selected = true;
scope.selectDateTime.date.item = scope.dateList[scope.dateList.length - 4];
scope.selectDateTime.date.item.index = scope.dateList.length - 4;
scrollToElm(scope.dateScroll, scope.dateList[scope.selectDateTime.date.index - 3]);
function getOperateEntity(type) {
var entity = new Object();
var scrollTimer, scrollHandler, data, defaultSelected, selectedItem;
switch (type) {
case "year":
entity.scrollTimer = "yearScrollTimer";
entity.type = type;
entity.scrollHandler = "yearScroll";
entity.data = "yearList";
entity.defaultSelected = scope.selectDateTime.year.item.data;
entity.selectedItem = "year";
case "month":
entity.scrollTimer = "monthScrollTimer";
entity.type = type;
entity.scrollHandler = "monthScroll";
entity.data = "monthList";
entity.defaultSelected = scope.selectDateTime.month.item.data;
entity.selectedItem = "month";
case "date":
entity.scrollTimer = "dateScrollTimer";
entity.type = type;
entity.scrollHandler = "dateScroll";
entity.data = "dateList";
entity.defaultSelected = scope.selectDateTime.date.item.data;
entity.selectedItem = "date";
return entity;
scope.ok = function () {
var datetime = getSelectDateTime();
scope.cancel = function () {
function show() {
tem.css("display", "block");
function hide() {
tem.css("display", "none");
function remove() {
scope.$on("$destroy", function () {
})(window, document);
On the html side, I just used some instructions and set the initial time without too many operations.
阿神2017-05-15 17:09:21
1. If Ionic is published as an application, its input supports the mobile phone’s native DatePicker. So there is no need to use this.
2. If you don’t want to use the native picker or want to implement it on the web page, the official has provided ionic datepicker, or datepicker-for-ionic on NPM.
PS: It was originally a flat ground. You had to dig a hole and jump down yourself, and then ask others how to climb up... Just grab a picker online and use it. You have to adjust compatibility and fill holes, which only reduces efficiency. Ionic 2 already comes with DataPicker.