<body ng-app="app">
<p ng-controller="myCtr">
, ng-model
去获取这个p标签的内容呢 ?
不想引用jq 通过js 去获取。
为情所困2017-05-15 17:06:40
What angularjs recommends is to use the controller to obtain the data through $http, and then render it to the template. If you directly use PHP to output to the template, what else does angularjs do?
angularjs has jqLite, you can use angular.element(document.querySelector('p')).text() to achieve your effect, but this is not essentially different from using jQuery.
phpcn_u15822017-05-15 17:06:40
If you use ng-bind or ng-model only to bind a variable under a scope to it, it will change the value in the tag to undefined. angular.element("#element-id") seems to work
淡淡烟草味2017-05-15 17:06:40
It should be like this
<body ng-app="app">
<p ng-controller="myCtr">
<p ng-repeat="item in lists">{{iteam.name}}</p>
Get the data transmitted from PHP through the $http service, and then bind it to the view. What I write here is very simple. Generally, the encapsulated interface will be called in the controller, and the specific implementation is usually in the service.