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angular.js - Please tell me about the communication issues between controllers in angularjs

I am working on a Q&A system, which has a question page that lists the question information and then lists the answers under the question. I used the QuestionCtrl controller for this single question page, then used http.get to get the answers, and used ng-repeat to list each answer. Then I use the same controller AnswerCtrl to control each answer. Each answer has a like function. When I first get the answer, I will get the answer.prised_counter to display, that is, the answer is currently liked. quantity. Then I add ng-click to the a tag of the like element to perform the like operation. At this time, the function in AnswerCtrl is called. After likes, I want to add answer.prised_counter 1, but because answer is from QuestionCtrl It is read from the answers in , so I cannot modify the answer.prised_counter variable in AnserCtrl. Please tell me how should I achieve this situation? Is the plan wrong?

仅有的幸福仅有的幸福2822 days ago557

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  • 習慣沉默

    習慣沉默2017-05-15 17:01:16

    In this case, one QuestionCtrl is enough. There is no need to create another AnswerCtrl, which complicates the problem.
    If you must use answerCtrl, you can use $emit and $brodcast to implement parent-child scope communication.

    <ul ng-controller='questionCtrl'>
        <li ng-repeat="item in list" ng-click='like(item)'></li>
            //answer function

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