#login.route.js 文件require.ensure打包加载
import LoginTpl from './login.tpl.html';
var LoginRoute = {
template : LoginTpl,
controller : 'LoginCtrl',
resolve: {
loadModule : ['$q','$ocLazyLoad',function ($q,$ocLazyLoad) {
return $q((resolve) => {
require.ensure([], () => {
let module = require('./login.controller');
$ocLazyLoad.load({name: 'cm.bg.login'});
export default LoginRoute;
#login.controller.js 热加载的模块
import './login.module'
import '../../../service/LoginService' //登入服务
export default angular.module('cm.bg.login')
Is it related to the order in which they are packaged? Packaged out, 104 is the loginService and 103 is under the contorller. If so, how to change it?