RT, when using tabs in angular-ui to switch tabs, the current tab selection status will not be recorded. When someone presses refresh, the initial value will be returned. How to record current tab selected state?
世界只因有你2017-05-15 16:59:42
I have also encountered the same problem. When I was working on the [Initiation] page of a company's marketing event recently, the initiation was divided into 4 steps. I used each step as a named view, such as: <p ng-if="step == 3" ui-view="step-3"></p>
, 通过ng-if
来确定显示第几步, 然后在控制器中有一个方法来设置step
. The method is as follows:
$scope.$on('changeStep', function(e, data) {
$scope.step = data;
However, when editing to a certain step, if you refresh the browser, you will return to the first step. At first I used localStorage to store step
$scope.step = $localStorage.step ? $localStorage.step : '1';
$scope.$on('changeStep', function(e, data) {
$scope.step = data;
$localStorage.step = data;
// 不在发起页面时清除数据
$scope.$on('$stateChangeStart', function(event, toState, toParams, fromState, fromParams) {
if (toState.name != 'app.xx.new' || toState.name != 'app.xx.edit' || toState.name != 'app.xx.view') {
delete $localStorage.step;
This way you can save the state, but there is a problem. If the current editing reaches step 3, and I reopen a window to enter editing from the list page, it will go directly to the third step, skipping the first two steps.
I also tried it later$cacheFactory
, 一刷新状态就丢失了,所以最后的解决办法是使用sessionStorage
. You can read the article localstorage by community array_huang to understand the usage scenarios of the two.
This method is not necessarily the best, but it can be tried as an alternative.