var option = {
'typeNumber': 4,
'text': $scope.text
$scope.worker = new Worker('/js/myworkers.js');
describe('Directives test', function(){
var $compile, $scope, $templateCache, $httpBackend,workerValue,$timeout;
it('qrcode test', function(){
var link = $compile('<my-qrcode value="qrcode_text" change="false"></my-qrcode>');
var element = link($scope);
// list of files / patterns to load in the browser
files: [
// 'webroot/js/lib/angular/angular-animate.js',
// 'webroot/js/lib/angular/angular-loader.js',
Error reporting and error prompts
resource in debug
I saw someone saying that this would be fine
But not now
Can anyone tell me what is going on? ? How to solve it? ?