<p ng-repeat="x in TU">
<img src="{{x.imgurl}}">
$scope.TU = [{
为情所困2017-05-15 16:53:55
Reposted from filter - Limit the length of a string with AngularJS - Stack Overflow
Write a filter:
angular.module('ng').filter('cut', function () { return function (value, wordwise, max, tail) { if (!value) return ''; max = parseInt(max, 10); if (!max) return value; if (value.length <= max) return value; value = value.substr(0, max); if (wordwise) { var lastspace = value.lastIndexOf(' '); if (lastspace != -1) { value = value.substr(0, lastspace); } } return value + (tail || ' …'); }; });
How to use:
{{some_text | cut:true:100:' ...'}}
Word cutting method (Boolean) - If true, only single words will be cut.
length (integer) - The maximum number of words to keep.
suffix (string, default: '...') - appended to the end of the word.
Or directly use the one written by others: angular-truncate demo
过去多啦不再A梦2017-05-15 16:53:55
The official api is https://docs.angularjs.org/api/ng/filter/limitTo
Example html template:
Output numbers: {{ numbers | limitTo:numLimit }}
为情所困2017-05-15 16:53:55
Let’s solve it directly with css. Three attributes are needed, which means no line wrapping, hiding the excess part, and displaying ellipsis in the excess part
white-space: nowrap;
overflow: hidden;
text-overflow: ellipsis;
迷茫2017-05-15 16:53:55
Customize angularjs filter to cut long strings and add ellipses, demo address: http://www.jscssshare.com/#/sample/e6ao1zeH