There is no problem with the SSH connection, but neither hexo g nor hexo d responds
Solved. Did I install something missing or something?
某草草2017-05-02 09:51:06
Your deploy doesn’t respond either,
It is recommended to directly check whether hexo is installed successfully
hexo -V //注意V是大写
If it doesn’t work, reinstall it again
npm install -g hexo
If the directory is wrong, it will not be executed
My directory does not have projects from init. You need to execute the command in the init project directory
Check if the path is correct
漂亮男人2017-05-02 09:51:06
I feel like hexo is not installed. Why do the commands in your screenshot only have three commands? Normally it should be as shown below:
PHPz2017-05-02 09:51:06
The command should be run in the root directory of your blog, not in the user directory.
Initialization needs to be runnpm install
Install dependencies.
npm install hexo-cli -g
hexo init blog
cd blog
npm install
hexo server
PHP中文网2017-05-02 09:51:06
Solved. Everything is deployed.
The first question should be about the directory. It needs to be in the blog directory, but I still go to cmd and reinstall it and then come over. I don't know if there is a problem with the installation in git.
The second problem is that when building a warehouse, it must be the same as the user name. After that, I just entered the connection point in the setting and it was fine. It was wrong before I typed it. I don’t know why, embarrassing.