I just learned git and encountered a problem
Admin@SKY MINGW64 /d/WWW/Git (master)
$ ls
git commit -m无法提交,出来一堆提示
git commit readme.txt 出现下面这个,请问是怎么回事呢?
伊谢尔伦2017-05-02 09:48:40
Post the git commit -m question. The second one is for you to edit the comments of the submission
phpcn_u15822017-05-02 09:48:40
When you install TortoiseGit, you don’t need to use the command line to submit. Download tortoiseGit online, right-click the project file to commit, submit the file tortoiseGit=>pull update code and push to submit the file to the server, which is very convenient.
PHPz2017-05-02 09:48:40
You need to git add before git commite. Has the author added the file?