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sourcetree - 如何看懂git的 graph图?

如图,怎么看sourcetre上的 graph图呢? 搜了一个小时也没找到相关的文章

阿神阿神2706 days ago758

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  • 仅有的幸福

    仅有的幸福2017-05-02 09:44:54

    I know it may be too absolute to say this, so let’s understand it this way at the beginning

    First of all, each line is a branch, and each point is a commit (submission record)

    I think the leftmost one is the main trunk.

    This means that a historical commit on the trunk is merged into the yellow branch -- git merge {sha}

    This means that the contents of the yellow branch have been merged into the trunk -- git merge

    This means a new branch is created from this point on the trunk -- git checkout -b

    This means that the main content is merged into the new branch -- git merge

    Build a repo by yourself, create a few more branches, and then come back to merge and rebase after modifications. You will understand after playing for a weekend

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