tortoisegit cannot automatically save the password. I have tried all the methods, but still can’t solve it?
I also changed the local configuration file, but it still doesn’t work
Solved, the method is as follows, just fill in the server address in the first item
1. Windows中添加一个HOME环境变量,值为`%USERPROFILE%`
2. 在“开始>运行”中打开`%Home%`,新建一个名为“`_netrc`”的文件
3. 用记事本打开`_netrc`文件,输入Git服务器名、用户名、密码,并保存:
machine #git服务器名称(只用输入ip即可)
login user #git帐号
password pwd #git密码
PHP中文网2017-05-02 09:42:22
Thank you for the invitation. its not right! I remember that when the client entered the password for the first time, there was an option to remember the password! My company computer has git turtle installed, and I remember that I lost it once when configuring it.