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objective-c - ios pushes the stream, ios can only pull the stream once, and cannot pull the stream again.

1. Use the ios end to push the stream, and then use another ios end to pull the stream. You can only pull it once, but you can’t pull it the second time. But there is no problem when using Android to pull the stream.
2. Android push flow No matter how I pull .ios, there is no problem.
Excuse me, what’s going on?!

ios push streaming keeps printing this: [PLStreamingSession] cannot push pixelbuffer since last pixelbuffer is still on going
ios streaming fails and prints this:
2017-04-07 14:45:27:082 TV [58446:6724768] play url:rtmp:// -[PLPlayer prepareToPlay] 514
2017-04-07 14:45:27:082 TV[58446: 6724768] call stop when stopped -[PLAVContext stop] 427
2017-04-07 14:45:27:082 TV[58446:6724768] 1761113840 play context dealloc: rtmp:// -[PLAVContext dealloc] 121
2017-04-07 14:45:27:082 TV[58446:6724768] 4742272 audio decoder dealloc -[PLAACDecoder dealloc] 37
2017 avinput close: rtmp://
2017-04-07 14:45:27:082 TV[58446:6724768] 4742272 close audio codec -[PLAACDecoder closeCodec] 42
2017-04-07 14:45:27:082 TV[58446:6724768] 10902144 video decoder dealloc -[PLAVDecoder dealloc] 95
2017-04-07 14:45:27:082 TV[58446:6724768] 10902144 close video decoder -[PLAVDecoder closeCodec] 263
2017-04-07 14:45:27 :082 TV[58446:6724768] 3543744 close video codec -[PLAVVideoCodec close] 82
2017 avinput close: rtmp://
2017-04-07 14:45:27:082 TV[58446:6724768] 3543744 video codec dealloc -[PLAVVideoCodec dealloc] 37
2017-04-07 14:45:27:082 TV[58446:6724768] 3543744 close video codec -[PLAVVideoCodec close] 82
2017-04-07 14:45:27 :082 TV[58446:6724768] render context dealloc -[PLAVRenderContext dealloc] 83
pili open: rtmp://
pili input open av
2017-04-07 14:45:27:106 TV[58446:6724768] player status change from (1) to (2) -[PLPlayer setPlayerStatus:error:] 383
2017-04-07 14:45:27.106 TV[58446:6724238] statusPLPlayerStatusReady
2017-04-07 14:45:27:106 TV[58446:6724768] play caching -[PLAVContext play:] 295
2017-04-07 14:45:27 :106 TV[58446:6724768] input open : rtmp:// -[PLInput open:error:] 183
[flv @ 0x7fa76a8ef800] video stream discovered after head already parsed
[flv @ 0x7fa76a8ef800] audio stream discovered after head already parsed
2017-04-07 14:45:42:138 TV[58446:6724768] input timeout, status:0, isClosed:0 -[PLInput IOInterruptDemux:] 381
2017-04-07 14:45:42:138 TV[58446:6724768] input timeout, status:0, isClosed:0 -[PLInput IOInterruptDemux:] 381
[flv @ 0x7fa76a8ef800] Could not find codec parameters for stream 1 (Audio: aac, 44100 Hz, mono): unspecified sample format
Consider increasing the value for the 'analyzeduration' and 'probesize' options

習慣沉默習慣沉默2876 days ago1036

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