awesome-python3-webapp/ <-- root directory
- backup/ <-- backup directory
- conf/ <-- configuration file
- dist/ <-- Packaging directory
- www/ <-- Web directory, storing .py files
| |
| - static/ <-- Storing static files
| |
| - templates/ <-- Store template files
- ios/ <-- Store iOS App projects
Beginner to learn git. As above, now we need to create a working directory for the website. I am a little confused as to whether this refers to different branches (master, dev, etc.) or different folders in the resource manager? Then, another question is, when to use folders and when to use branches? Thanks!
为情所困2017-05-02 09:31:54
These folders are your worktree, not branches
In general, folders need to exist at the same time, and branches do not need to exist at the same time
仅有的幸福2017-05-02 09:31:54
Well, I think it’s better for you to briefly understand the basics of git. A few hours will do. Git Tutorial
曾经蜡笔没有小新2017-05-02 09:31:54
I agree with the person above, learn the basics and at least distinguish the working directory and branches. Recommended information.