[xib Create Controller]
1. When creating the controller, the parent controller selects a customized controller BaseVC, which inherits from UIViewController.
I checked Create xib, and then when I initialized the controller and pushed, I found that the view in the xib written by this control was not loaded.
My controller was created this way before, but suddenly it didn’t work again. Then I inherited this controller from UIViewController and it can be loaded.
Supplement: The method I use when initializing the controller is XXXVC *vc = [XXXVC new];
self.navigationxxx pushViewXXXXX
我的父类控制器中没有重写 loadView方法。
为情所困2017-05-02 09:31:44
// 重写初始化方法
- (instancetype)init{
if (self = [super initWithNibName:@"父类xib名称" bundle:nil]) {
// 初始化
return self;