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actionscript - 车辆行驶轨迹表设计 Mongodb

对于监控将近10000辆(甚至更多)车驾驶路径轨迹,我在设计数据库 (mongdo)表(集合)时候,有2个选择
一. 按天分表,每天的所有车辆轨迹放在一个表中
二. 按车分表,每个车牌对应一个表


大家讲道理大家讲道理2757 days ago1229

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  • 高洛峰

    高洛峰2017-05-02 09:28:33

    Your demand is a very common one, usually called Time Series data modeling.

    1. It is not recommended to divide collections into different collections by day/car;

    2. If you have a particularly large number of documents, you can consider Sharding.

    Because you reveal less information, if you get the car’s position every minute, you might as well try the following method:

    { plate : String,
      brand : String,
      color :  String,
      timestamp_hour : ISODate,
      track : [{0 : [Longitude, latitude]},
               {1 : [xxx, xxx]}
               {59 : [xxx, xxx]}]

    The general idea is to try to make one document contain as much information as possible to improve query efficiency.

    For reference.

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  • 我想大声告诉你

    我想大声告诉你2017-05-02 09:28:33

    You need to consider the specific business scenario, how to display the data, and the display dimensions.

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