How to display a certain field of a record (node.js mongodb)?
给我你的怀抱2017-05-02 09:28:23
model.findOne({ type: 'iphone' }, 'name', function (err, doc) {});
model.findOne({ type: 'iphone' }, 'name').exec();
滿天的星座2017-05-02 09:28:23
You might as well take a look at the document: Collection#find (the following code is quoted from the document)
// A simple query showing skip and limit
var MongoClient = require('mongodb').MongoClient,
test = require('assert');
MongoClient.connect('mongodb://localhost:27017/test', function(err, db) {
// Create a collection we want to drop later
var collection = db.collection('simple_limit_skip_query');
// Insert a bunch of documents for the testing
collection.insertMany([{a:1, b:1}, {a:2, b:2}, {a:3, b:3}], {w:1}, function(err, result) {
test.equal(null, err);
// Perform a simple find and return all the documents
.skip(1).limit(1).project({b:1}).toArray(function(err, docs) {
test.equal(null, err);
test.equal(1, docs.length);
test.equal(null, docs[0].a);
test.equal(2, docs[0].b);
Pay attention to the find
part, it should be what you want.