在本地使用Jekyll serve
测试是正常的,默认分支的名称也是 gitcafe-pages,并且也上传到了https://gitcafe.com/username/username目录下。
但是一旦打开 http://username.gitcafe.io/ 就会自动跳转到这个页面 https://gitcafe.com/GitCafe/Help/wiki/Pages-%E7%9B%B8%E5%85%B3%E5%B8%A...。
这个博客本来是放在 Github Page 上的,而且还绑定了一级域名。但是今天发现速度实在太慢了,于是决定放弃 Github,转移到 Gitcafe 上。
由于不太了解如何添加多个远程库,而且害怕出错,于是直接将 Github 上的 Pages 项目删除了,本地的 .git
目录也删除,重新初始化 git 仓库,再上传到 Gitcafe。然后添加 CNAME 记录将自己的域名指向到 gitcafe.io。
阿神2017-05-02 09:24:43
, just keep everything at the default value.
You can refer to how to build a blog on Gitcafe
大家讲道理2017-05-02 09:24:43
For GitCafe, CNAME can be added or not. In addition, pages exception problems occur for many reasons.
In fact, it is more appropriate to send an email to support@gitcafe.com for this question.
怪我咯2017-05-02 09:24:43
First check whether the project on your gitcafe has been uploaded completely. . Please post the project address. .