vmware 搭建linux centos 安装mongodb, 测试地址: localhost:27017/mission 提示:
It looks link you are trying to access MongoDB over Http on the navtive driver port,
(注释: mission 这张表是存下的并且已经插入了一条语句)—
仅有的幸福2017-05-02 09:22:33
Open the MongoDB installation directory in the command and find mongo.exe,
mongo.exe localhost:27017
Here we go.
I don’t know why, but I’ve seen this question so many times. Why on earth would everyone want to use a browser to access a database? Wouldn't a more natural idea be to use a shell or GUI?
伊谢尔伦2017-05-02 09:22:33
This prompt means that the installation is successful. As for the mongodb operation, let’s learn it