用git 做代码托管有一段时间了。因为我喜欢我用命令行,不喜欢用可视化工具。
我一直不明白 git add . 是啥意思?
2.然后我执行git add .
3.git status 后出现:
(use "git reset HEAD ..." to unstage)
new file a.js
对于新加的文件。你们是用git add * 还是git add .
伊谢尔伦2017-05-02 09:22:11
git add .
添加当前工作目录文件到indexgit commit -m "some comments"
生成一个commitgit push
Push Server
高洛峰2017-05-02 09:22:11
git reset HEAD
执行成功的话应该会把当期目录下的状态都还原。你执行git reset HEAD
Did you fail? Are there any error messages?
For newly added files, I am still used to itgit add .
-- ‘*’得按着shift
, so tired
我想大声告诉你2017-05-02 09:22:11
I use git add *
git add *
git会自动把你当前目录所有修改过的文件添加git add .
Git will recursively add all the files in the directory where you execute the command, so if you pass the current working directory as a parameter, it will track all the files there