应该如何查询某一条记录中“ comments”中的某条呢?为什么通过“_id”查询不到呢?
"_id": "56fa1c5acb169bd213e485de",
"title": "ReactJS学习笔记",
"classify": "js",
"desc": "React是一个JavaScript库文件",
"author": "root",
"body": "",
"hidden": false,
"meta": {
"votes": 0,
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"date": "2016-03-30T08:20:36.866Z",
"comments": [
"body": "aaaa",
"date": "2016-03-30T08:43:50.401Z",
"guest": "A",
"email": "xxxxxx@qq.com",
"browser": "chrome",
"_id": "56fb91c6c4b8801709aec38a"
"_id": "56fb93ddc4b8801709aec38b",
"browser": "chrome",
"email": "xxxxxx@icloud.com",
"guest": "tester",
"date": "2016-03-30T08:52:45.445Z",
"body": "bbbbb"
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迷茫2017-05-02 09:20:58
The most direct inquiry:
Then the returned object directly calls obj.comments.body
伊谢尔伦2017-05-02 09:20:58
The _id you query is of ObjectId type, so you also need to use ObjectId type data to query, not String type data;
If you are using mongoose, try this method, before querying, put your string Convert to ObjectId type
var mongoose = require('mongoose');
Full query:
db.collection.find({ "comments._id":mongoose.Types.ObjectId('56fb91c6c4b8801709aec38a') })