ssh:connect to host port 22:Bad file number
fatel;cound not read from remote repository.
please make sure you have the correct access rights
and the repository exists ??
我研究了一周怎么都没办法用Git Bash上传到远程库?
阿神2017-05-02 09:20:44
Take github
as an example, I found this article:
First test using the following command: ssh -vT
Discover more error messages.
Then combine the error message you see now:
ssh:connect to host port 22:Bad file number
fatel;cound not read from remote repository.
please make sure you have the correct access rights
and the repository exists
Maybe it’s a permissions issue,
1. Try to upload the public key to github
2. The remote repo does not have enough permissions?
伊谢尔伦2017-05-02 09:20:44
GIT setup problem:
First step:
git config --global "你在githbub上注册的名"
git config --global "你在githbub上注册的电邮"
Step 2: Authorization, assuming you use SSH to connect
The third step Create the library, this is done on GITHUB, no need to repeat it
When you are local
git commit
Then, just
git push
You see the prompt' git remote add <name> <url>
Then, you
git push
Too much to say, if you look at the English help, it’s all in there
git configuration