在一个linux机器上有git远程仓库,在一个win xp机器上git clone该仓库上的代码下来。其他人向仓库push代码变更后,我这里再git pull更新就不成功,提示如下图:
只有删掉本地的仓库,重新git clone才能得到最新代码。
天蓬老师2017-04-28 09:08:16
1. Switch to another Linux machine to see if it can pull
2. Check the permissions of the git repository
3. Check whether it is a problem with the git version
大家讲道理2017-04-28 09:08:16
Check if the git software is installed incorrectly. Maybe 64-bit software is installed on the 32-bit system. Or vice versa.
巴扎黑2017-04-28 09:08:16
For git on windows, it is recommended to use the graphical interface----github for windows