如题,我第一次push时(或者是commit时?)没有设置邮件,结果git用了ubuntu系统默认的邮件xx@ubuntu.ubuntu-domain,然后不管push几次,我的contributions都是0次,已经通过git config --global user.mail "xx@gmail.com"
漂亮男人2017-04-27 09:05:15
Use git config user.email
parameters. If you want GitHub's contributions to be displayed, just add the original submitted email in Settings > Email.
为情所困2017-04-27 09:05:15
After modification, you can check whether the modification is successful through the command
The command is: git config --list
黄舟2017-04-27 09:05:15
Global settings: git config --global user.email
A certain warehouse: git config --local user.email