CENTOS 里我批量做了个操作,然后不停的提示要求确定。该怎样批量确定啊?
顺便问下,我想拷贝当前目录的所有文件到父目录, cp -Rf * ../ 这样写对吗?
PHPz2017-04-27 09:03:21
Found the solution - modify the command alias.
Edit vi ~/.bashrc
Comment out the line cp='cp -i' and save the configuration to take effect after restarting the server.
Check the alias after restarting. There is no cp='cp -i'. In this way, when overwriting files, use the -Rf parameter and you will not be asked constantly.
伊谢尔伦2017-04-27 09:03:21
Add a backslash before the cp command, for example:
\cp -Rf csr/ csr.bak