使用的是git + win7 x64.远程发生修改,但是本地使用git status却提示director clean
$ git status origin
On brranch master
Your branch is up-to-date with 'origin/master'
nothing to commit,working directory clean
1)我远程的已经发生了修改,但是我使用 git status origin 却提示nothing
2)如何才可以在git 命令里面进行复制
世界只因有你2017-04-26 09:04:25
git status origin
...What a brilliant idea! What a shame Git hasn’t implemented this yet.
Back to the topic, let’s talk about a few key points (the following assumes that the current branch is master and the remote library is named origin):
git remote update
或者 git fetch origin
git status -uno
: allows you to see whether the current branch is ahead/behind/forked from the remote branch it tracksgit show-branch *master
: allows you to see the commits of all branches whose names end in master, so you can see the differences between origin/master and master at the commits levelgit diff origin/master
: allows you to see the differences between origin/master and master at the code (file) levelIt’s up to you whether you want to merge or do something else later.
ringa_lee2017-04-26 09:04:25
Let me talk about the second question, right-click on the top of the window, edit, mark the selection and copy it directly