我已经在github中添加了ssh 密匙了,也在本地有一个SSH密匙,但是还是必须输入密码。
世界只因有你2017-04-26 09:04:07
The key is that you use https, which does not use the ssh channel, so the key is useless. To save the password for https, please refer to http://git.oschina.net/oschina/git-osc/issues/2586, if you want ssh+ Key does not require a password to submit, and the remote branch needs to use the SSH protocolgit@github.com:xx/xx.git
世界只因有你2017-04-26 09:04:07
It is normal to enter the password when pushing. You can take some measures to omit this step:
About the issue of .gitignore:
If you want to ignore all files starting with Runtime under www/Application/ in the project and directory, just remove the / in front of www, / represents the root directory
曾经蜡笔没有小新2017-04-26 09:04:07
Changed the protocol and used git+ssh to configure according to the article http://www.ctrlqun.com/linux_..., everything is OK, no need to re-enter the password