环境 : Intellij IDEA
项目中在 Intellij 开发平台上用 Maven来开发管理项目。
版本控制工具是 Git
现在写好的 项目,若有人推送,其他再去同步下,然后打开,很多东西得重新配置。sdk 或者 tomcat 都需重新去指定,即会 "冲掉" 你之前的配置/环境。
推送的项目中 包括 : ×××.iws ×××.ipr
我想大声告诉你2017-04-25 09:06:13
What you configure is the project environment, which means that if you change projects or create a new project, you need to reconfigure it. What you should configure now is the idea environment, not the project environment. The idea environment has an option setting when you open it for the first time, so you don’t have to reconfigure it whether you are importing a project or adding a new project
PHP中文网2017-04-25 09:06:13
You must have synchronized some of IntelliJ's own configuration files to Git. Set it up so that only the source code is synchronized and those configuration files are ignored.