我想使用git保持goagent的central repo和local repo版本同步,并且保证配置文件不被改动。我应该如何做?
git checkout v3.0 (local的版本)
git pull --rebase origin v3.1.5
出现一堆错误后, 胡乱输入了一堆命令, 好像凑巧成了,但配置文件被修改了.
曾经蜡笔没有小新2017-04-24 16:03:03
1. First add the configuration file to .gitignore, so that the local configuration file will be ignored during the pull operation.
2. I usually perform two operations when pulling the latest code
git pull origin branchname
git fetch --prune
3.Finally check whether the local code is up to date
git status