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ruby - 用Jekyll创建博客成功,用`jekyll serve`运行时报错。

系统:Ubuntu 15.04。

我之前用的Jekyll 2,基本正常。在本地生成博客和运行博客都没有问题。



PHP中文网PHP中文网2709 days ago637

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  • 伊谢尔伦

    伊谢尔伦2017-04-24 16:02:57

    The questioner please provide more information. For example, it prompts welcome-to-jekyll.markdownmultiple parameters and the file content should be posted.

    I tried the latest version first

    gem install jekyll
    jekyll --version  #=> 3.1.6, 最新版本
    jekyll serve  #=> 正常

    Then I tried the version of the question again

    gem install jekyll -v '3.1.2'
    jekyll _3.1.2_ --version  #=> 3.1.2
    jekyll _3.1.2_ serve  #=> 正常

    Without more information, I can only guess. liquidjekyll使用的模板引擎, 通常在源码中表现为{{...}}You can see for yourself whether there are more parameters.

    Of course, it is also possible that a particular version of it has bugs, but such a basic bug should not appear.

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