PHPz2017-04-24 16:01:40
The answer to this question is relatively simple, let me answer it in one sentence.
Normally it won’t expire, but I’m not sure if the memory is full.
PHPz2017-04-24 16:01:40
Don’t be misled, if the actual memory exceeds the maximum memory you set, the LRU deletion mechanism will be used.
大家讲道理2017-04-24 16:01:40
It will not be deleted
If the validity period is not set, even if the memory is used up, the redis automatic recycling mechanism will depend on the validity period set, and will not touch the items without a validity period. If the memory is still full after cleaning, it will no longer accept write operations
高洛峰2017-04-24 16:01:40
Not deleted, just moved from memory to disk.
redis is more than just an in-memory database