我是初学者,这几天找了很多objective-c和cocoa的教程。目前正在的看的是Cocoa and Objective-C Up and Running。我发现这本书和其它几本里面举的例子,用的都是老版本的xcode,用的是nib,而现在都是storyboard了。新旧两套东西差异还是很大的。请大家帮忙推荐一些最近出版的好教程。
PHPz2017-04-24 09:15:25
Apple Developer
"iOS Development Guide: From Zero Basics to App Store Listing (3rd Edition) - Guan Dongsheng"
怪我咯2017-04-24 09:15:25
Recommended Swift tutorials
Chinese version of Apple’s official Swift tutorial "The Swift Programming Language" https://github.com/numbbbbb/the-swift-programming-language-in-chinese
大家讲道理2017-04-24 09:15:25
Wall Crack recommends Apple’s official swift tutorial, plus iOS9 day by day
怪我咯2017-04-24 09:15:25
You are also welcome to visit our blog and learn iOS development from scratch, Hongchuang Academy (www.hcios.com)