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ruby - 用Jekyll创建博客本地正常,上传到GitHub后不能显示文章列表?

1. 首先使用jekyll生成一个最简单的博客:

jekyll new manxisuo.github.io


2. 在GitHub新建一个仓库:





  <ul class="posts">
    {% for post in site.posts %}
        <span class="post-date">{{ post.date | date: "%b %-d, %Y" }}</span>
        <a class="post-link" href="{{ post.url | prepend: site.baseurl }}">{{ post.title }}</a>
    {% endfor %}



大家讲道理大家讲道理2710 days ago779

reply all(2)I'll reply

  • PHP中文网

    PHP中文网2017-04-24 09:15:03

    I went to the github directory of the topic owner and took a look. The problem is in _posts/2016-03-11-welcome-to-jekyll.markdownthis file.

    Set the following date date a little earlier and you’ll be fine. For example, set to yesterday:

    This problem is due to the fact that jekyll 3 (the current jekyll version of GitHub) does not generate posts identified as "future" by default. For details, please refer to Future posts - Jekyll.

    In addition, it is recommended to modify the content in feed.xml as follows:

    To solve this problem:

    When I take the title's directory and run it locally, I get the same problem as on github. Generally speaking, to ensure reliable local preview, you need to make jekyll and other related ruby ​​gems (understood as package management tools in ruby ​​language, like npm) consistent with github. For the corresponding method, you can refer to the official: Setting up your Pages site locally with Jekyll

    Simply put, making the various ruby ​​gems required to run GitHub pages locally (jekyll is just one of them) the same as those online on GitHub will make it easier to debug problems.

  • PHP中文网

    PHP中文网2017-04-24 09:15:03

    I haven’t used jekyll before, but Hugo can also be used to generate a personal static blog.

    http://listenzhangbin.com/post/go-hugo-blog/, recommend a blog tutorial I wrote.

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