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Ubuntu kylin 适合做开发用吗?


怪我咯怪我咯2845 days ago515

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  • 迷茫

    迷茫2017-04-24 09:11:16

    There is a difference, but it won’t affect youC++服务器开发.

    kylin团队只是帮助开发并集成了些对中文用户友好的软件, 如wps, 搜狗, 快盘等. 这些软件大部分都有相应的Linux版本, 只是用户主动安装的话会相对麻烦, 有些依赖问题比较隐蔽. 这些厂商从来没有将大量精力投入Linux中, 都是抱着'有即可'的态度, 哪怕企鹅大厂也是这态度. 谁让Linux没爸没妈呢. 甚至, 我怀疑, 你直接在原版添加kylin Chinese-style sources, you can directly install the corresponding software.

    If you think kylin团队对ubuntu做了大量底层改动, 就太'看得起'他们了. 事实上, 即使是ubuntu也没对Linux底层做什么修改, 它们最大的开发工作是那个图形界面unity, 而Linux, Graphics is just an ordinary software.

    If you do server-side development, you can use any distribution. The only difference is that the location of some configuration files is different, the package management system is different, the default software is different, etc. You can't simply ask kylin适合开发用吗, 而是要搞清楚你的依赖, 你依赖哪个软件哪个库哪个IDEWait, if they are available on this platform Once implemented, the platform can be used for development, and sometimes there will be community-supported versions even if it is not officially supported. No one develops from scratch.

    Profits have nothing to do with it, I don’t use it anyway, and I don’t like the so-called ‘Chinese flavor’.kylin

  • 怪我咯

    怪我咯2017-04-24 09:11:16

    It is basically the same as the original Ubuntu in use, but the software warehouse in it contains a lot of domestic software, which is more suitable for people who develop and use it for spare time.

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