每读出一行,用空格分割变成数组,然后将数组中的对应的内容放入到 Student 对象中
10001 王晓明 18
10001 王晓明 18
10001 王晓明 18
10001 王晓明 18
10001 王晓明 18
10001 王晓明 18
怪我咯2017-04-22 09:02:06
char id_c[30], name_c[30];
int age;
NSString *id_c, *name_c;
Student *student;
file = fopen("Student.txt", "r");
while (!feof(file)) {
fscanf(file, "%s %s %d ", id_c, name_c, &age);
id = [NSString stringWithUTF8String:id_c];
name = [NSString stringWithUTF8String:name_c];
student = [[Student alloc] initWithId:id Name:name Age:age];
[student print];
PHP中文网2017-04-22 09:02:06
Use NSFileHandle to find a file, then use NSData to read the entire text content, then use NSData to convert NSData to NSString, and then use 'n' to separate the nsstring into an NSAarray, so that you can loop through it.