用 zAdd 加入排名
zAdd ranks 1000 老王
zAdd ranks 1001 如花
zAdd ranks 1002 死鱼
想取 用户老王及老王的前后各5名, 有没有简便方法?
黄舟2017-04-22 09:01:51
First, get Lao Wang’s current ranking: ZRANK ranks 老王
, assuming Lao Wang’s ranking is Nth.
(The top 5 I am talking about here refer to those with a higher score than Lao Wang, and the bottom 5 are those with a smaller score than Lao Wang)
Then Lao Wang’s top 5 are: ZRANGE ranks N+1 N+6
Lao Wang’s last 5 are: ZRANGE ranks N-6 N-1
To put it all together, plus Lao Wang himself, it is: ZRANGE ranks N-6 N+6
Note: You must remember to first determine whether N-6 and N-1 are less than 0.