今天使用了sublime text中的code snippet功能,感觉非常的强大,可以自己扩展自己的规则
PS:其实也考虑过使用sublime text开发java,但是某些功能还是ecplise比较方便,比较它是专门为java开发定制的
所以想请问一下eclipse中如何实现类似sublime text 中的code snippet功能,最好有详细的说明,或者是文章的链接
就可以直接生成Iterator<E> it = obj.iterator();
PHP中文网2017-04-22 09:01:02
This should not exist, but you can customize the template in the settings and hit it to achieve the above functions
迷茫2017-04-22 09:01:02
You can try intellij idea, which has a live template function, which is snippet.
PHPz2017-04-22 09:01:02
You can see the java/template mentioned above by opening it and taking a look. I didn’t notice that it was already deleted. It seems that I can’t delete it on my mobile phone. This.