自己有几个工具类的开源项目,想提交到 ubuntu等国外的官方源中去,这样以后提供给别人下载安装也方便了。。
ringa_lee2017-04-22 09:00:47
I have only seen Arch. You can submit a pkgbuild to the AUR first, and then wait for voting (collect likes). If you have enough likes, you can apply for the maintainer of the source to help package it into the source.
Again, the above are all just hearsay.
Also, there are not many arch maintainers in China. I only know Big Fat Cat. However, I only have his steam id...please search on arch
Felix Yanreply0
巴扎黑2017-04-22 09:00:47
Homebrew is still easy to use. Submitting software is very convenient. Just make a pull request directly on github. .