目前项目采用J2EE后端,所以用eclipse启动后台服务,然后前端采用webstorm进行编辑。此时有个问题就是我改动了前端代码之后,需要去eclipse上刷新一下,这个我已经通过Preference-workplace,勾选Refresh using native hooks or polling解决了。但是每次要等2-3s。所以希望有个工具能帮我监测到代码改动,然后自动刷新浏览器,应该是有这种工具的。
PHP中文网2017-04-22 08:58:34
I remember that the chrome browser has this kind of plug-in. It seems that angularjs needs to be installed. It can be found on Baidu
黄舟2017-04-22 08:58:34
Webstorm’s LiveEdit plug-in can be used with the Chrome plug-in. Please refer to the following article:
If the front end uses Sublime Text, please use the LiveReolad plug-in.
PHP中文网2017-04-22 08:58:34
The plug-ins mentioned above are automatically refreshed and synchronized to the browser, and do not solve the problem.
Eclipse does not refresh, so no matter how you refresh the browser, it will be useless.