请问一下,我使用 MyEclipse中的, CTRL + H 进行全部替换时,会把 项目根目录下的 .svn 文件夹下的内容也替换了,提交或者更新时导致校验和不对,提示错误,请问怎么解决?
没有使用 .java 这种后缀过滤,只是奇怪为什么隐藏的 .svn 目录中的内容也会被搜索出来?
这算不算是一个 BUG,我没发现哪里可以把这个隐藏文件夹从 搜索替换中排除的地方?
怪我咯2017-04-21 11:18:29
I tried searching in my eclipse, but it did not include the .svn directory. After searching on Google, it may be that I installed the subclipse plug-in which will automatically filter the .svn directory. In addition, you can also try it through the following settings:
For details, please refer to this question on stackoverflow http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3985518/how-to-exclude-svn-directories-from-search-in-eclipse
迷茫2017-04-21 11:18:29
I found a stupid method, first search, and then manually specify the replacement, but it is still not convenient.