从去年安装以后体验了就很少使用双系统里的 Ubuntu...
现在比较想卸载掉, 或者升级也还能接受.. 但是怎么保证不影响 OS X 呢?
天蓬老师2017-04-21 10:58:24
Take a risk and test it yourself, and it’s successful. The approximate steps are:
dd if=ubuntu.iso of=/dev/sdb
I have three remaining partitions in GParted
The first Boot partition seems to be marked as UEFI (not entirely sure, but the mark is identifiable)
The second and third are HFS+ partitions, and the third is marked Recovery
I failed once when applying Apply after adjusting the partition, but succeeded the second time, but the steps are the same
PHP中文网2017-04-21 10:58:24
If you have dual systems of ubuntu and mac, first install grub into the partition where the mac system is located, then modify the configuration file, delete ubuntu, and then format the hard drive where ubuntu is located. If you upgrade, generally the grub configuration will not change much, so it is basically no problem.