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请教各位达人一个关于docker的问题哈。我想在docker run的时候,用-d参数运行/bin/bash,然后让这个bash一直跑着,我要用的时候就docker attach上去。但是我一跑docker run -d .... /bin/bash,这个容器就运行结束停下来了。这是为毛啊,有啥解决方案没。。。

怪我咯怪我咯2761 days ago896

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  • PHPz

    PHPz2017-04-21 10:57:35

    I also encountered this problem myself. But in a different situation, I hope that when docker runs, the container can always run in the background and allow me to log in remotely to operate.

    I copied the article: SSH remote login to a container

    ----Content begins-----

    After starting a container, we may need to log in using ssh to perform some operations. To achieve this goal, there are 2 points that need to be ensured:

    • Container must be running.
    • openssh-server is started.

    First make sure the image has openssh-serverservice

    # 官方镜像一般没有安装ssh服务端,so,需要安装一个
    apt-get install openssh-server
    # 设置一个初始密码
    passwd 123

    Then, submit the image:


    Finally, run the image and let the generated container run in the background:

    # 第一个-d表示让容器在后台运行
    # 末尾的-D表示启动ssh的daemon模式,不然容器启动后立刻就变为停止状态了
    docker run -d NAME/VERSION /etc/init.d/ssh start -D

    Now, you can log into the container via ssh.

    # 查询容器IP
    docker inspect CONTAINER_ID | grep IP
    # 登入
    ssh root@IP
    # 输入密码 123完成登陆
    # 为保证安全,请即刻用passwd修改密码

  • ringa_lee

    ringa_lee2017-04-21 10:57:35

    docker run指定的命令如果不是那些一直挂起的命令(比如运行top,不断echo),就是会自动退出的。-d命令是设置detach为true,根据官方的文档,意思是让这个命令在后台运行,但并不是一直运行(我们在一个正常的Linux Terminal中运行/bin/bash,运行完了也就完了,不会一直挂着等待响应的,所以确实没办法用daemon方式来跑/bin/bash).

    There are indeed some inconsistencies between the early and current official documents here. Now it is detach. The early documents say that -d is specified to run the container in daemon mode. There may be some misunderstandings.

    In addition, if you need to run bash in the container, just run docker run -i -t CONTAINER_NAME /bin/bash directly. If you think there are more parameters than docker attach, you can set an alias to solve the problem:

    alias dockerbash='docker run -i -t CONTAINER_ID /bin/bash'

    After setting the alias, run dockerbash directly to enter the bash of the container.

  • PHPz

    PHPz2017-04-21 10:57:35

    It can be achieved using supervisor. And you can start multiple services at the same time.
    First install the software package with yum -y install supervisor and modify the configuration file /etc/supervisord.conf
    Add the services you want to start, such as sshd.

    For specifics, you can refer to this article: http://openstack.blog.163.com/blog/static/236387267201491734019283/

  • 天蓬老师

    天蓬老师2017-04-21 10:57:35

    docker run --attach=stdin -d image bash, the -d parameter turns off stdin by default.

  • 怪我咯

    怪我咯2017-04-21 10:57:35

    It is recommended to add a sentence to the Dockerfile file for building the image:
    CMD tail -f
    If there are other commands
    CMD other commands && tail -f
    I hope it will be helpful to you

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