使用为知笔记时,发现在启动器用图标打开为知笔记,上面少了菜单栏, 并且有的笔记打不开:
但是用root权限在终端运行wiznote时完全正常, 如图2:
我把wiznote的相关文件的用户归属全部改为我的用户名(原来是root), 可是问题还没有解决。
zhaofei@zhaofei-xuelang:$ whereis wiznote wiznote: /usr/bin/wiznote /usr/bin/X11/wiznote /usr/share/wiznote zhaofei@zhaofei-xuelang:$ ls -l /usr/bin/wiznote -rwxr-xr-x 1 zhaofei zhaofei 6249324 3月 1 12:41 /usr/bin/wiznote zhaofei@zhaofei-xuelang:$ ls -l /usr/bin/X11/wiznote -rwxr-xr-x 1 zhaofei zhaofei 6249324 3月 1 12:41 /usr/bin/X11/wiznote zhaofei@zhaofei-xuelang:$ ls -l /usr/share/wiznote 总用量 108 drwxr-xr-x 3 zhaofei zhaofei 4096 3月 2 17:34 files drwxr-xr-x 2 zhaofei zhaofei 4096 3月 2 17:34 languages drwxr-xr-x 5 zhaofei zhaofei 4096 3月 2 17:34 skins drwxr-xr-x 2 zhaofei zhaofei 4096 3月 2 17:34 sql -rw-r--r-- 1 zhaofei zhaofei 93687 2月 22 08:36 wiznote.icns
另外还有一些程序也会遇到同样的问题。 我猜测可能是程序内调用了某些需要root权限的库, 因此一般用户权限下会丢失部分功能。 不知道我猜的是否正确?
另外, 有没有什么办法可以使我不用sudo也可以正常运行wiznote?
PHPz2017-04-21 10:57:24
Ubuntu 12.04 uses the Unity desktop environment. The menu bar of the window is integrated into the top panel. You can see the menu bar by placing the mouse on the top.
高洛峰2017-04-21 10:57:24
It should be because different configuration files are called. The default configuration file home directory is under /etc when running as root.
PHP中文网2017-04-21 10:57:24
Try it
sudo chown root wiznote
sudo chmod 4755 wiznote
//There is a slight security risk, use with caution.
巴扎黑2017-04-21 10:57:24
Just do the set-uid operation on the program
#su as root chmod +s aplication-bin #exit