注意,两个操作之间具有 happens-before 关系,并不意味着前一个操作必须要在后一个操作之前执行!happens-before 仅仅要求前一个操作(执行的结果)对后 一个操作可见,且前一个操作按顺序排在第二个操作之前(the first is visible to and ordered before the second)。happens- before 的定义很微妙,后文会具 体说明 happens-before 为什么要这么定义。
迷茫2017-04-18 10:54:10
You can understand it the other way around. hf refers to two instructions in physical order. The first is visible to the second, but it does not necessarily mean that the first one is executed first, not necessarily, because a retake may occur. One item may not be executed first