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java - 这个dialogTheme的内容再哪里查看?

各位大侠,我在看android dialog源码的时候,看到theme对应的这个dialogTheme的attr,但是找了半天就是没在源码相关的文件夹中找到它的内容,查资料说是在大概frameworks/core/res/下面,但是我的文件夹根本没有看到这个目录呢?请给予指点,谢谢。

PHP中文网PHP中文网2803 days ago707

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  • 黄舟

    黄舟2017-04-18 10:53:24

    I won’t tell you that using Android Studio to view these style and other resource files is the best...

    1. Create a new project

    2. The project will automatically generate a styles.xml (or themes.xml), 打开这个xml, 你就会看到:
      <style name="AppTheme" parent="Theme.AppCompat.Light">

    3. Windows: Ctrl+left mouse button clickTheme.AppCompat.Light打开编译出来的values.xml. The shortcut key operation under Mac is not clear.

    4. Search dialogTheme directly and you will find it.

    If you don’t understand the above operation, just look for the directory: android-sdkplatformsandroid-25datares.
    All resource files are in this directory.

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