想在构建时自动压缩和合并指定的 js 文件,免得每次改了后手动压缩,但是输出的文件却没有压缩、混淆代码,试过把 aggregations
去掉但什么也没发生,输出如果指向 ${project.build.directory}/${project.build.finalName}
下面则在清理后会报找不到文件,即使 phase
改成 prepare-package
也不行。有一点猜测可能引起问题的地方在于我的 webapp
目录是特别配置的,不是默认位置,但试了设置 sourceDirectory
和 outputDirecotry
无效。pom.xml 中配置如下:
PHP中文网2017-04-18 10:49:42
Holy crap, sure enough, the configuration warSourceDirectory
pointed to the modified webapp directory and it was done. I only remembered what I should try when I wrote the question. I thought that as long as other places were configured in the war package, it would be recognized normally.