public static void uploadFile(String localFilePath,String fileName){
Configuration cfg = new Configuration(Zone.zone1());
UploadManager uploadManager = new UploadManager(cfg);
String accessKey = "your access key";
String secretKey = "your secret key";
String bucket = "your bucket name";
//如果是Windows情况下,格式是 D:\\qiniu\\test.png
//String localFilePath = "/home/qiniu/test.png";
String key = null;
Auth auth = Auth.create(accessKey, secretKey);
String upToken = auth.uploadToken(bucket);
try {
Response response = uploadManager.put(localFilePath, key, upToken);
DefaultPutRet putRet = new Gson().fromJson(response.bodyString(), DefaultPutRet.class);
} catch (QiniuException ex) {
Response r = ex.response;
try {
} catch (QiniuException ex2) {
迷茫2017-04-18 10:49:31
Qiniu will not return the URL of the file
You only need to judge the last successful URL and you will know
The corresponding IP or domain name of the bucket http://aa.com
Then your image access path is:
http://aa.com/Customized file name